
a vital source for organizational change 

Every day, a great amount of time and energy get spent on development of communication and branding strategies, with clear behavioural goals as target. Though, we tend to forget, that communication is more than just words and creative forms of expression - it also include our behaviour and choices, including those we opt out. If we are to succeed with our communication strategies, we need to put as much effort into our behaviour and choices, as our rhetorics. 


For inspiration as what you can do as a Leader or member of your HR and Communication Department, we have collected a few essentials below, for creating meaning, change and companionship through your communication.  

Know the four "C's". If your messages derive from coordinated, clear, consistent and consequent communication, regardless of which angle you're communicating from, you have great prerequisites for having success with your communication and branding.

Walk the talk. If you aim to be taken seriously, and be perceived as a trustworthy and valuable partner, that be as an individual, a company, a product or a service provider, you must back up the words coming out of your mouth. 

Behaviour and action says more than words, why they - in contrast to words, can stand alone. Maybe you've heard it before - that behaviour tells everything? And that's 100% true. In most cases, behaviour (in terms of action and decisions), are a reflection of senders true opinions, interests and perspectives on life, why the truth always starts here. 

Storytelling makes the rest of it.. and we make a great deal out of it, because we want to reinforce our core values and message from different angles and perspectives, that supports our purpose and strengthens our Ethos (credibility and trust). We are role modeling at our best.

Be honest and original. Sustainable messages are observed as such, because they come 100% from the core. It's natural and authentic, and the advantage of communicating honest and original is, that you don't have to be creative making up things - and 'maintaining' made up stories. In a long term perspective, authentic storytelling strengthens the brand, since it reduces any kind of unclarity and misunderstanding when telling the story from different angles and in retrospect, since facts can easily be checked and followed up upon. 

Choose your values and key messages carefully - and stand your ground. Before planning you communication strategy - and the whole purpose related, it's essential knowing your values and being clear on which messages your want to send out. Once they are out there, they're out. And it's limited how many turnarounds you can make on brand, as most of a brand's existence is based on it's communication, abstract and tangible. Furthermore, once you've made your choice - stick to it, and be it's most loyal friend. 

Does it seem familiar? 

If you're experiencing challenges or find yourself in need for inspiration on how to reach your goals through your communication - don't hesitate to reach out. We handle all simple and complex types of inquiries, on a high level business or personal level. 

Business case - my scientific publication (thesis) on the importance of Integrated Marketing Communications, for a successful positioning in market

The 'four' essentials for creating synergy in your communication: 



-Consistent, and


...and remember, that behaviour also count as communication.
